Are you familiar with the enneagram?
It's the master of self-insight tools that gives wisdom into who you are and why you are the
way you are. But unlike other tests, like Myers Briggs personality tests, it offers a more
spiritual and meaningful perspective on what it means to be you as a flawed human being
trying to find their way through life.
It goes right to the heart of the two things that determine our life paths. The biggest fear
holding us back and the magic we each have to offer the world if we do the work on us to live authentically.
There are 9 profiles and often we can be a combination on a few. I, for example, am a 378. I'm a mix of Achiever, Enthusiast and Challenger. My gifts to the world are truth, freedom and
challenging the status quo. The biggest fear I've had to work through is the fear of failure and
not feeling valued.
This episode from Brene Browns podcast covers the enneagram and I think you'll really enjoy
working out which profile fits you.
If you are on any kind of journey to better understand yourself, it's a must!