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Helping people live their most creative life

Hello, I'm Letesia. 


When we feel free, we can tap into our creativity, see new possibilities and bring our most generous and loving selves to our work. Freedom might come from being able to fully express ourselves in our work, from the lifestyle our work enables or by the nature of the work we do.​ I help my clients find this.






My clients are people with exceptional talent. They might not see that in themselves, but what I see is a fabulous sense of creativity, drive and enthusiasm, waiting to be unearthed.They come to me with a niggling feeling that they have more to offer in their work. They might have an idea in them that they can't articulate. Some have a feeling that they are not reaching their full potential.


Often they are in jobs or life situations where they feel trapped. Because they’ve invested their whole career to get to this point. Because it’s the career path that their family wanted for them. Because they don’t know what else to do. It's common that they feel burnt out, or with no get up and go. They’ve lost their mojo. They feel flat. They’re plodding along, which really isn’t their style at all. 


They don’t always know where is next. But here they are, ready to get serious in finding out. I’ve helped architects become stage designers. Corporate first jobbers to become business owners. Mums to step into portfolio careers. Life long accountants to become passionate teachers.  Mid-level managers to secure directorships. Burnt out creatives to rekindle their fire in self-employed ventures. Business Owners to fall in love with their company again. Senior directors to find new purpose in retirement.


I am proud to have supported so many people to achieve more than they thought possible.





Who I Work With
Getting To Your Truth
Coaching for Burnout
Brave Bootcamps In Ibiza






The body doesn’t lie. It always knows what we need. Yet, we often choose to ignore what it has to say and listen instead to the chatter in our heads. Our heads tend to over-intellectualise, tell us comforting stories that deter change, and convince that we are OK where we are.


I work with clients to become masters at listening to their body, and in combination with the brilliance of their minds, we go define and build their better lived life.



I have had an interesting journey so far! 


Part One of my career began helping brands to find new opportunities by better understanding the people that buy them. This let me travel the world where I got to see what life looks like in every culture imaginable. Since then, I’ve set up my own businesses, both alone and with other partners where I learned what it takes to create, market, sell and deliver. I’ve worked in organisations as a senior leader, advising clients about future trends and shaping new strategy.


Part Two started when I had a burnout, which I now see as my spiritual awakening. I saw the dark side of how work can affect our wellbeing, and experienced broken work cultures with poor leadership. It was here that my focus shifted from brands to people. I retrained as a coach to support the pain in workplaces and help people make work choices that genuinely let them shine brightly.


Part Three started summer 2019 when I moved to Ibiza to run coaching retreats in a place that truly inspires me.

Being around nature, active and outdoors and amongst inspiring positive people who embrace new and

different ways are important to me.


Lives Better Lived isn't about creating perfection. It's the intention we put into the choices that allow us to live truthfully and with integrity, a life that fits who we are and what we stand for. Modern work can constrain us, but better-lived lives are full of freedom and possibility – you just have to know you deserve and know how to find it.


London, UK & Ibiza, Spain
Coaching online globally

+44 (0) 7950 459168

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Company Number: 06943060

©2019 by Lives Better Lived

Registered Address:

West Bush House Hailey Lane

Hertford Heath Herts SG13 7NY

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